5 Ways to Eat More Lean Protein

Lean protein is essential for a healthy diet—whether you’re trying to lose weight, build muscle, or improve your overall health. As a transformational nutrition coach, I often recommend a diet rich in lean protein because it is a weight loss powerhouse! It is the most thermic of all macronutrients, which means it requires more energy to digest and metabolize, and it builds lean muscle mass, which helps you burn more calories every day. Lean protein also staves off cravings and helps you feel fuller longer so that you can control your hunger and make better choices.

Here are 5 easy ways to add more protein to your daily routine.

1. Start With Protein-Packed Breakfasts

Swap sugary cereals or refined grain pastries for protein-rich options like eggs, Greek yogurt, chia seed pudding or protein smoothies. These options offer a substantial dose of protein but also help keep you feeling satisfied and energized throughout the morning.

2. Snack Smart

Opt for protein-packed snacks...

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5 Tips for Working Out at Home

Uncategorized Mar 19, 2024

At-home workouts started trending at the beginning of the pandemic and have been a go-to ever since. Exercising at home is the perfect solution when time is short and has made healthy lifestyles more accessible than ever. Everyone from working professionals and students to new moms has discovered the benefits of squeezing in a workout at home. Since there is no longer any excuse, we can all become pros at exercising at home.

Here are some tips to help you uplevel your at-home workouts.

1. Invest in Equipment

It’s true that some workouts require no athletic equipment—we’ve seen all those influencers training with skillets and wine bottles. As a transformational nutrition coach, I recommend upgrading your workout with a few key pieces of equipment. Simple items like dumbbells, resistance bands, a yoga mat, and stability balls add variety and challenge to your workouts.

2. Create a Dedicated Space

A dedicated workout space sets the stage for success. Whether it's a...

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5 Tips to Supercharge Your Metabolism & Boost Weight Loss

Uncategorized Mar 14, 2024

Metabolism is like the body's engine; it’s responsible for converting the food we eat into energy. A faster metabolism means that our bodies burn calories more efficiently, which boosts weight loss and improves our overall well-being. As a nutrition and mindset coach, I like to share ways that my clients can supercharge their metabolism safely and naturally.

Here are 5 tips to help you do just that:

1. Prioritize Strength Training

While cardio exercises like running and cycling are excellent for burning calories in the moment, strength training offers long-term benefits by increasing muscle mass. Muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat tissue, meaning it burns more calories even at rest. Incorporating resistance exercises into your workout routine a few times a week helps build lean muscle and boosts your metabolism over time.

2. Quench Your Thirst

Drinking an adequate amount of water is essential for overall health. It’s not just a thirst-quencher...

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10 Foods That Keep You Feeling Full

What we eat plays a pivotal role in weight loss, health and overall wellness. A balanced diet is key—but if you’re trying to lose weight, it’s also important to eat foods that fill you up so that you can maintain energy without experiencing hunger pangs and cravings. Feeling constantly hungry can derail even the most dedicated meal plans, but you can avoid this with the right foods. Part of my job as a transformational nutrition and mindset coach is to help clients find foods that help them optimize their health—and actually help them lose weight.

Read on to foods that will curb your appetite and help you reach your health goals.

1. Lean Chicken Breast

Lean protein sources like chicken breast make an excellent choice, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. Chicken breast is a high-quality, complete protein that takes longer to digest, keeping you feeling full for hours. It’s packed with essential amino acids that help you build more lean...

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Mastering Healthy Meal Prep: Tips from a Nutrition Mindset Coach

Uncategorized Feb 08, 2024

Finding the time and energy to consistently prepare healthy meals can feel like a daunting task. However, with the right strategies and mindset, meal prep can become an enjoyable and sustainable habit that supports your health and wellness goals.

Planning and preparing meals in advance makes life easier and has great benefits. It helps you achieve nutritional consistency—you can control the ingredients and portion sizes of your meals, ensuring that you consistently eat nutritious foods. Meal prep also saves time and money and reduces stress. You’ll reduce the temptation to order takeout or eat out, and not have to worry about what to eat each day. This helps prevent impulsive, unhealthy food choices.

Here are some invaluable tips for mastering healthy meal prep using my expertise as a nutrition mindset coach.

1. Start with a Plan

Planning is essential for successful meal prep is planning. Start by creating a weekly meal plan that includes a variety of nutrient-dense...

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Shifting the Scale: 5 Mindset Tips for Successful Weight Loss

Your weight loss journey is not just about shedding pounds; it's a transformative process that involves reshaping your mindset. Your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes play a pivotal role in determining the success of your weight loss efforts. Read on to discover what a nutrition and mindset coach recommends to help you achieve your weight loss goals and cultivate a positive relationship with your body.

1. Set Realistic and Positive Goals

Define Clear Goals

Start by setting specific, achievable, and realistic weight loss goals. Break them down into smaller objectives to make them more manageable—and so you can celebrate along the way.

Focus on Health, Not Just Numbers

Shift your focus from the number on the scale to your overall well-being. Create goals related to increased energy levels, improved mood, and enhanced physical fitness.

2. Cultivate a Positive Self-Image

Practice Self-Love

Embrace self-love and acceptance throughout your weight loss journey. Challenge negative...

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How to Burn More Calories

When you’re trying to lose weight and transform your body, there are many factors to consider. You’ll want to work on your mindset, adopt a healthy lifestyle and take basic steps like increasing your daily calorie burn. In short, you’ll need to increase the number of calories you expend daily and try to eat less calories than you burn. This requires a commitment to exercise and setting fitness goals, which a transformational nutrition coach can really help you with.

Read on for a few ways to burn more calories in your everyday life.

Elevate Your Cardio

One of the best ways to improve your overall health and boost your caloric burn is cardiovascular training. This doesn’t mean jumping on the same machine every day and doing the same number of minutes. To boost results and caloric burn, you’ll need to regularly increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. In other words: UPLEVEL CONTINUOUSLY. The longer time you exercise increases both the...

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How to Make Commitments that Stick

The New Year is an exciting time, a fresh start for people to make changes that will improve their lives. If you’re a typical American, you probably have made weight loss one of your New Year’s resolutions. I like to make commitments rather than resolutions, but no matter what you choose, you need some strategies to help you reach your goals. It’s actually an ideal time to start working with a nutrition mindset coach if you haven’t already.

Read on for some excellent tips that will help you transform your body in 2024!

Make Peace With Your Triggers

Instead of swearing off your favorite foods forever—which we all know isn’t going to stick—make peace with them. If you love chocolate, don’t swear it off for good, because you’ll most likely binge when you do get your hands on some. Don’t have it constantly sitting in your pantry or on your desk but allow yourself a treat on your cheat day.

Get Real

Don’t strive for an ...

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4 Holiday Survival Tips

transform your body Dec 13, 2023

The holidays are here, and for many Americans, this translates to overindulging and weight gain. The good news is—it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’ve worked hard all year to transform your body and improve your health, you can maintain those results and still enjoy your holidays.

Read on for three simple strategies you can use to navigate the holiday season.

1. Plan Holiday Meals in Advance

With a little strategic planning, you can enjoy your favorite holiday treats while staying on track with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Write down the meals during which you’re going to allow yourself to enjoy your favorites—not just any treats, but the ones you really look forward to. Once you’ve allotted those meals, make a plan to compensate for those splurges by cutting a few extra calories during breakfast and lunch on the days you eat them. It’s also a great way to plan ahead so you can make sure to get the proper amount of nutrients as well.


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5 Powerful Weight Loss Mindset Tips

Mindset is everything when it comes to losing weight! The right mindset can make all the difference when it comes to experiencing long-lasting success with a healthy diet and lifestyle. It’s essential for weight loss and staying on track—without it, you can easily fall into unhealthy habits. A strong mindset will help you avoid yo-yo dieting so that you can achieve long-term results.

Read on for tips on how to develop a strong mindset for losing weight.

1. Set Clear Goals

A solid plan is essential for success. Set clear, achievable goals for your weight loss and overall health. Write them down—many neuroscientists believe that writing down your goals helps you achieve them. You can then work with your nutrition and mindset coach to put strategies in place to achieve them. Don’t be basic—avoid limiting your goals to just losing a set number of pounds. Instead, set clear, specific lifestyle goals that will boost your health, fitness and wellness. Here are...

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