As a transformational nutrition coach, I often hear the question, “Why do we need more protein and fiber in our diets?” When you’re trying to lose weight, get in shape or improve your overall health, these are two essential components you should strive to get into your diet. Read on to learn why both fiber and lean protein should be a fundamental part of your meals.
Consumption of lean protein is critical—we need it in our diet, coupled with exercise, to build muscle and maintain what we already have. Our muscle mass decreases with age, which, in turn, slows down our metabolism and can lead to weight gain. Loss of muscle mass doesn’t just lead to extra pounds; it can increase the risk of injury, especially the older you get. To combat these issues now and in the future, consume lean protein and get your workouts in. Keep in mind that, the more lean muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn on a daily basis.
Another reason why protein is key for dieting and weight management is that it helps keep us fuller longer after each meal. It slows down our digestion and actually uses more calories in the process. Start the day off with a lean protein-rich breakfast like an egg and vegetable omelet to help you feel less hungry throughout the entire day.
Dietary fiber is an equally important component of a healthy diet. There are two main types, soluble and insoluble, both of which are important for digestion and overall health. Soluble fiber attracts and dissolves in water, forming a gel in our digestive system. This effectively slows down the emptying of your stomach, which is why you feel fuller longer. Some excellent sources include nuts, lentils, steel cut oatmeal, and produce such as oranges, apples, pears, blueberries, strawberries, cucumbers, celery, beans and carrots.
While insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water, it can add bulk to your diet. Found primarily in vegetables and whole grains, insoluble fiber passes through the gastrointestinal tract relatively intact, speeding up the passage of both food and waste through your system.
I hope this helps you understand the importance of these types of nutrients. This is just one of the many things you can learn when working with a transformational nutrition coach.