Going out for meals can be so much fun—but it can be a challenge for some. Many of my clients worry about dining out at restaurants when they’re trying to diet or struggle with weight issues. The concern is so understandable! But the good news is, there are strategies you can use to master the art of dining out without derailing your weight loss efforts.
When you go to a restaurant, it can take some time to get seated, place your order and then wait for your entrée to arrive—hence, the bread and butter, tortilla chips and other diet spoilers they put on the table to tide us over. Instead of dipping into this well of fattening carbs and other calorie-laden food, have a healthy snack before you go. Pop a handful of nuts, a piece of fruit, or some Greek yogurt so that you’ll be able to hold out for your entrée.
An easy way to stay on track is by researching the restaurant’s menu ahead of time. Most restaurants post their menus online, so take a few minutes to analyze the menu items and determine what your best choices are before you have to order. Identify dishes that align with your dietary needs and pay attention to nutritional information listed on the menu. Then you can decide what to order before you even step foot in the restaurant, helping you avoid impulsive, less healthy choices.
Go old school and order your dressing on the side. Dip your fork in the dressing so that you ultimately use less on your salad and consume fewer calories overall. Be sure to choose an oil and vinegar or balsamic vinaigrette dressing.
While it may sound counterintuitive, some people have the best results from ordering an appetizer or salad instead of a full entrée when they eat at a restaurant. It’s an excellent way to make sure your caloric intake doesn’t get out of hand.
Another great way to stay on track with your healthy eating program or diet without giving up restaurants is to split your entrée with someone else. Restaurant portions tend to be oversized, so a half portion can be more than enough to satiate your appetite. Dining solo? Ask for a to-go box as soon as your meal arrives. Before you start eating, put half of the meal in the box. This helps you control your portion sizes and gives you leftovers for another meal.
With a little planning and mindfulness, you can enjoy a meal out without compromising your health and diet goals. For help creating strategies like these for your own life, work with a transformational nutrition coach like me!