Stress plays a major role in your overall health and weight. Even when you work out religiously and strive to eat healthy, stress can throw a wrench in your lifestyle that leads to weight gain. Stress accumulates in our bodies and increases the production of cortisol, the body’s main stress hormone. When cortisol levels are high, this results in hunger pangs, cravings for sugar and fatty foods, and ultimately, an increase in stubborn belly fat. It also causes glucose levels and blood pressure to spike, which can be very dangerous for your health.
Reducing stress is essential for our overall health and wellness, as well as reaching our ideal weight. Here are a few ways to reduce stress so you can avoid the repercussions on your waistline and health.
Regular exercise and physical activity has been shown to reduce stress and boost endorphins, which promotes an improved mood. Working out—as well as gentle activities like walking or cycling—can improve anxiety and depression while also burning calories. Everything about exercise is a win-win! For added stress reduction benefits, try flexibility training like Yoga or Pilates, both of which provide stretching techniques that help you relax.
Taking even just a 15-minute walk in nature can boost your mood and quickly reduce stress. You’ll absorb some much-needed vitamin D while changing your setting and taking in nature. Studies show that spending time in the great outdoors decreases cortisol, reduces heart rate, and lowers blood pressure while fostering feelings of happiness and well-being.
Meditation and mindfulness practices quiet the mind and produce a deep state of relaxation. Research conducted by psychologists found that meditation changes our brain and biology in positive ways that improve mental and physical health. Sitting down for even just five minutes a day to focus on your breath and eliminate the stream of thoughts cluttering your mind can have a marked impact on stress levels, health and wellness.
If you’re tethered to your devices 24/7, this increases stress and exposes you to blue light, which can diminish sleep quality. Spending too much time in front of the screen has also been shown to negatively impact psychological well-being. Take a digital detox as much as you can—even just half an hour way from your devices can boost your well-being.
Set aside time regularly to practice self-care. It doesn’t have to be complicated; it can be as simple as reading, journaling, taking a bath, putting on a skincare mask or indulging in aromatherapy. To uplevel, consider something more elaborate for a weekly treat, like a spa day, sound bath or practicing a favorite hobby. Make it a point to set aside time for self-care activities regularly—put it on your calendar and commit!
Engaging in one or more of these activities will help reduce stress, avoid burnout, and ultimately, transform your body.